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1sthost Software Solution
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Compliance Features

  • MailStore Server enables 100% complete archiving of all emails within the company.
  • Archived emails are identical to the originals in every aspect.
  • Retention periods can be enforced.
  • Changes and events are logged via an integrated auditing feature in Windows event log.
  • Auditor access possible via special "auditor" user type.


  • Generation of SHA1 hash values from email content
  • Internal AES256 encryption of email texts and attachments
  • No direct access by MailStore client components to the archive files
  • It is not possible to change email content, either in the graphical interface or in the internal program.
  • Automatic and immediate archiving of all emails as they are received and sent prevents tampering before archiving via MailStore server

Long-Term Access to the Archive

MailStore Server is not tied to a proprietary file format. All archived emails can be exported in a single step at any time in the standard RFC822 format, which has established itself over 25 years. The exported files can be opened and edited in most email programs. In addition, MailStore Server offers many other export and restore functions.


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Not a One Way Street after MailStore

MailStore Server provides a number of export features that enable you to restore individual emails, entire mailboxes, or all emails from an archive.

Supported Export Destinations

  • Microsoft Exchange mailboxes
  • Mailboxes from any email server (IMAP)
  • Forwarding via SMTP
  • Directory in file system (RFC822 EML, MSG, and PST files)
  • Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, and Windows Mail
  • Mozilla Thunderbird and SeaMonkey


mailstore_logo MailStore 家用版 ® 家庭使用者的免費智能備份軟體

對於家庭使用者來說,電子郵件也是一個有價值的資訊。大量的資料、照片、檔案和附件被保存在電郵。MailStore 家用版可以備份/存檔所有電子郵件,即使他們分佈在不同的電腦、 程式或郵箱。能夠在您的 PC 或 USB 磁碟機上選擇為 "可擕式" 。

mailstore_home_startup mailstore_home_archive



不完整備份電郵可能會遺失資料、 損壞的 PST 檔或其他技術造成問題。使用MailStore Server 將永遠不會再次丟失電子郵件。

Icon - Benefit


您正在使用 Office365、Gmail 和 Yahoo! 郵件嗎?您的電子郵件分佈在多台電腦嗎?您可以創建單個或存檔所有的電郵。

Icon - Benefit


MailStore 家用版是能夠毫不費力地管理大量資料。現在您過去和未來的電子郵件都能夠安全地存儲。

Icon - Benefit


MailStore 具有一種功能強大的全文檢索搜尋功能,可以極快速地搜尋大量資料和任何類型的檔案附件。

Icon - Benefit


可以隨時使用匯出功能把已存檔的電子郵件還原,還允許 MailStore Home 遷移電子郵件。

Icon - Benefit


只需點擊一下打開您的電子郵件程式 (如 Microsoft Outlook) ,你仍然可以回覆或轉發電子郵件, 這樣就容易做到郵件存檔。



Storage Technology
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Standard Archive Store

Available immediately after setup is complete, this storage type is suitable for most environments and requirements. Standard archive stores are created by MailStore Server in the file system and do not require an external database management system or special configuration steps. In practice, this allows for MailStore Server installations that support more than a thousand archived mailboxes and the users who access them. A standard archive store consists of the following components:

  • Embedded database – Stores email metadata
  • Container files - In these encrypted files with a “manageable” size of about 8 MB, the actual email headers, content and attachments are stored
  • Full-text indexes - These are created for each user and allow email and attachment searches to be completed very quickly

Advanced Archive Store

Advanced archive stores allow the use of external database management systems (Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL) for data storage. This storage type is suitable for businesses with an existing IT infrastructure containing these types of systems that they would like to use for email archiving. Please note that the use of external DBMS is only an option, not a requirement. From a performance and scalability aspect, standard archive stores as described above work perfectly fine even for companies with thousands of users.


A MailStore email archive can be created from any number of standard or advanced archive stores. You can, for example, create one archive store per quarter or year, or automatically create a new store if the current one has reached a pre-set threshold. For the end user, the archive store concept is completely transparent. The user works with one combined view on the entire archive.

The distribution of the main archive into any number of independent archive stores allows for flexible and, if necessary, hierarchical storage management.

Archive Backup

Backups can be made using an integrated backup feature or third-party backup software. MailStore Server optimizes data storage for incremental backups and supports Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS). Please refer to MailStore Help for details on VSS support.

Restoring Archives

In the event of damage or loss, an existing backup can be restored to a new MailStore Server installation within minutes when standard archive stores are used. Since the backup includes not only all archived emails but also all settings (such as users and permissions), there will be minimal downtime; recovery is simply a matter of copying directories back in the file system.

General Features

  • Suitable for any volume of data and any number of users
  • Lower storage requirements by using single instance archiving (duplicate content is only archived once) and compression of file attachments.
  • Tamper-proof through use of SHA1 hashes
  • Internal AES256 encryption of email bodies and attachments
  • Supports iSCSI, Fibre Channel, NAS, and SAN




  • MailStore 載入 Microsoft Outlook XP、 2003年、 2007年、 2010 年和 2013,可通過群組原則部署
  • MailStore Web 瀏覽 (使用任何互聯網瀏覽器瀏覽)
  • MailStore 移動 Web 瀏覽: Iphone、 iPad、 iPod touch,黑莓、 谷歌 Android 和 Windows Phone
  • MailStore IMAP 伺服器 (使用者存檔可以集成到任何已啟用 IMAP 的設備或電子郵件程式作為唯讀的郵箱)
  • Windows MailStore 用戶端軟體


  • 快速全文檢索搜尋的電子郵件和檔附件
  • 訪問也有可能通過資料夾結構
  • 還原到使用一次按一下還原的常規郵箱的電子郵件
  • 回復或轉發郵件存檔通過直接在 Microsoft Outlook 或其他電子郵件用戶端中打開他們
  • 查閱檔案的其他雇員 (基於分配許可權)


  • 不使用存根 (stub) 檔和其他技術與電子郵件伺服器上的不利的性能影響
  • 提供英語、 德語、 荷蘭文、 法語、 匈牙利、 義大利、 日本、 波蘭、 葡萄牙文、 西班牙文、 土耳其文和中文中的最終使用者元件。
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